
Contents / Enterprise Edition / User Guide / Databases

MyARM supports several databases for storage and retrival of ARM data. This section describes the basic setup and configuration for each database.

SQLite database

SQLite is a simple and easy to use database. It provides a complete SQL database by using just a single data file. The file used for storing all ARM data can be configured using MyARM configuration properties as described below.

database type which has to be sqlite3.
specifies the path and name for SQLite database file.

Default is ${MYARM_VARLIB_DIR}/myarm_sqlite.db

# agent uses a datasink named db_sqlite   = db_sqlite
# analysis tools uses also the sqlite3 database = db_sqlite

# define the type of the database
db_sqlite.type  = sqlite3
# define the SQLite database file
db_sqlite.file  = /opt/myarm/var/sqlite.db

MySQL database

For production use a MySQL database can be used to store all ARM data. The database has to be setup correctly. To setup correct databases and tables within MySQL, use the myarminitdb.

Note that the configured MySQL database user needs the appropriate privileges to create the MyARM databases. Please use the following SQL statement to grant the privileges:

someuser@localhost: mysql -u root
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'localhost';

The MySQL database configuration is split into six database properties defining specific databases for definition data, application instance data, transaction instance and derived runtime data.

These database configuration properties should be used in production environments with a high number of transaction measurements. Therefore the tentative static data like ARM definitions can be separated from the highly dynamic data like transaction measurements, context and metrics values.

For a detailed description of MySQL insert performance please read the appendix Using MySQL.

By default the MyARM MySQL configuration uses the myarm user with no password. It is recommended that you create such a MySQL user and change the password according to your security standards. All changes should be written into the user.conf file, which will override any standard configuration property.

To configure the MySQL database within MyARM the following properties are used:

database user name.

Default is an empty string ("").

password for the database user.

Default is an empty string ("").

host where the database is running.

Default is localhost.

port number on which the MySQL server listens for incoming connections.

Default is 3306.

number of concurrent connections to the MySQL database server.

Default and minimum is 1, maximum is 16.

Note: The configuration is only used if Multiple database connections (MDB) Add-on is licensed.

defines an interval value in seconds to wait before MyARM retries to connect to the MySQL database process again.

Default is 30s (30 seconds), minimum is 10s (10 seconds), maximum is 5m (5 minutes).

Database for the storage of MyARM web 2.0 configuration data.

Default is MyARM_Config.

Database for the storage of ARM definition data such as application and transaction definitions which are also called meta data.

Default is MyARM_Def.

Database for the storage of ARM application instance data such as application instances and application context values.

Default is MyARM_App.

Database for the storage of ARM transaction instance data such as transaction measurements, transaction properties and metrics as well as transaction correlation information.

Default is MyARM_Tran.

The MySQL datasink supports on-the-fly generation of transaction databases according to the transaction timestamp. For this purpose the transaction database name can contain '%'patterns which are replaced by appropriate values from the transaction to store. The following patterns are supported:

is replaced by the two digit day of the month ('DD' the transaction started.
is replaced by the two digit month of the year ('MM' the transaction started.
is replaced by the two digit year ('YY' the transaction started.
is replaced by the four digit year ('YYYY' the transaction started.
# define the database name where to store MyARM web config data
db_mysql.database.config = MyARM_Date_Config
# define the database name where to store the definition data
db_mysql.database.definition = MyARM_Date_Def
# define the database name where to store the application data
db_mysql.database.application = MyARM_Date_App
# define the database name where to store the transaction data
db_mysql.database.transaction = MyARM_Date_%Y%m%d_Tran
Database for the storage of real time statistics data.

Default is MyARM_RTS.

<name>.database.rtevent (New since "4.0.x.0")
Database for the storage of runtime events used to trigger notification actions.

Default is MyARM_RTEvent.

MySQL storage engine to use for the database.

Default is INNODB.

The following example configures a MySQL datasink where the database runs on host dbhost and the database name is MyARM. The MySQL user is set to the user myarm:

# agent uses a datasink named db_mysql   = db_mysql
# define the type of the datasink
db_mysql.type     = mysql
# define the host where the MySQL database runs     = dbhost
# number of concurrent connections to MySQL database
db_mysql.connections = 4
# the reconnect interval for reconnecting to the database in seconds
db_mysql.reconnect = 30s
# define the user to log into the database
db_mysql.user     = myarm
# define the database name where to store the MyARM web config data
db_mysql.database.definition = MyARM_Config
# define the database name where to store the ARM definition data
db_mysql.database.definition = MyARM_Def
# define the database name where to store the ARM application data
db_mysql.database.application = MyARM_App
# define the database name where to store the ARM transaction data
db_mysql.database.transaction = MyARM_Tran
# define the database name where to store the RTS data
db_mysql.database.rts = MyARM_RTS
# define the database name where to store the runtime events
db_mysql.database.rtevent = MyARM_RTEvent
# set the default storage engine for creating tables
db_mysql.engine   = INNODB

MyARM also provides its own compiled mysql client library. If you have problems connecting to the MySQL database it is possible that your MySQL installation uses connecting socket different from the library provided (by the MyARM distribution). By default, MySQL searches for a connection socket named /tmp/mysql.sock in Unix environments. If your server uses a different path please setup the MYSQL_UNIX_PORT variable correctly.

MariaDB database

Since MariaDB is a binary drop in replacement of the same MySQL version, we support MariaDB 5.5 to be used instead of a MySQL database. Just use the appropriate MySQL configuration files and properties as described above.