
Contents / Standard Edition / User Guide / Web / Deployment
starts the MyARM Administration web front end

The script accepts command line parameters for overriding the default settings for the HTTP server address and port:


myarmadmin.wt [options] [config]
-p port, --port port
Uses port as the HTTP server port. Default is 8081.
-a addr, --addr addr
Uses addr as the HTTP server address. Default is
specifies a MyARM configuration file name to use (e.g. mysql.conf). Default is to use the current MyARM configuration file.
starts the MyARM RTS-Browser web front end

The script accepts command line parameters for overriding the default settings for the HTTP server address and port:


myarmrtsbrowser.wt [options] [config]
-p port, --port port
Uses port as the HTTP server port. Default is 8082.
-a addr, --addr addr
Uses addr as the HTTP server address. Default is
specifies a MyARM configuration file name to use (e.g. mysql.conf). Default is to use the current MyARM configuration file.

The maximum number of active session is limited to 2.

starts the MyARM RTS-Monitor web front end

The script accepts command line parameters for overriding the default settings for the HTTP server address and port:


myarmrtsmonitor.wt [options] [config]
-p port, --port port
Uses port as the HTTP server port. Default is 8083.
-a addr, --addr addr
Uses addr as the HTTP server address. Default is
specifies a MyARM configuration file name to use (e.g. mysql.conf). Default is to use the current MyARM configuration file.

The maximum number of active session is limited to 2.

FastCGI integration

The web front end can be integrated into an existing web server infrastructure which supports the FastCGI protocol. The following installation recipe documents the necessary steps to configure the Apache HTTPD server with the mod_fcgi module to deploy a MyARM web front end.

First of all, MyARM provides a shell script which should be used to spawn the FastCGI process. This script is located in the scripts directory of the MyARM installation:

starts the MyARM Administration web front end as a FastCGI process
starts the MyARM Browser web front end as a FastCGI process
starts the MyARM RTS-Browser web front end as a FastCGI process
starts the MyARM RTS-Monitor web front end as a FastCGI process

The following steps are required to run the MyARM web front ends using FastCGI and the Apache HTTPD server:

  1. Configure MyARM to use an appropriate database.
  2. Enable mod_fcgi support within the Apache HTTPD server configuration.
  3. Configure a fcgi directory as follows:
       ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ /usr/lib/fcgi-bin/
       <Directory "/usr/lib/fcgi-bin">
            SetHandler fcgid-script
            Options +ExecCGI
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
            # For apache 2.4 and above
            Require all granted
  4. Copy the MyARM FastCGI shell scripts to that directory:
       cp $MYARM_ROOT/scripts/myarmbrowser.fcgi /usr/lib/fcgi-bin/
  5. Copy all style sheets and resources needed by the MyARM web front end to your document root:
       cp -r $MYARM_ROOT/webapp/myarmweb /var/www/mydocroot
  6. Create a directory to store session information and change the owner to the user running the Apache HTTPD server (apache, www-data, etc.):
       mkdir /var/run/myarmweb
       chown www-data.www-data /var/run/myarmweb

    Note if you do not want to create such a directory under /var/run you need to change the MyARM web front end deployment configuration file found in $MYARM_ROOT/webapp/etc/myarmweb_fcgi_config.xml.

Once all these steps are done, restart the Apache HTTP server and point your browser to the configured site.