
Contents / Enterprise Edition / User Guide / Instrumentation / Shell / armtran

armtran -- registers within the current ARM session a transaction name

The armtran command is used to register an ARM transaction within the current ARM session. It will be afterwards referenced by the armstart command to start a measurement for that registered transaction.

Command line options


armtran <tranID> <tranName> [context=cxtName1,ctxName2,ctxName3,...]
specifies the transaction identifier which will be used later to reference the registered transaction name within the current ARM session.
specifies the transaction name to register within the current ARM session
specifies a comma separated list of context names which can be used to pass optional context values with the armstart command.


armtran lddef ListDir context=Dir,Opt

A complete example is shown in the armend example.

See Also
armsession, arminit, armstart, armstop, armend