
Contents / C/C++ Edition / User Guide / Tools / myarminitdb

myarminitdb -- initializes the configured database

The myarminitdb program is used to initialize the currently configured database. In particular it creates the database tables needed by MyARM.

Command line options


myarminitdb [options]

The myarminitdb command supports the standard options described in appendix "Standard options" and the following:

-c, --create
creates the configured database and all needed tables.
-d, --drop
deletes the configured database and all its tables.
drops and again creates the configured database and all needed tables.
-e name, --engine name
selects the storage engine to use for the created database. Currently, this is only supported for the MySQL database.
-q, --quiet
suppresses any information output.


Invoking the myarminitdb command without an option it prints the current database layout version:

ruppert@myarm /opt/myarm $ myarminitdb 
myarminitdb: MyARM database tables version=1 found and is up to date
See Also
myarmoptions, myarmconfig