
Contents / Enterprise Edition / User Guide / Instrumentation / Shell / armend

armend -- closes the current ARM session

The armend command is used to close an ARM session created with the armsession command. The armsession process will be terminated and all running measurements are stopped implicitly.

Command line options

Currently the armend has no command line options.


Here is a complete example showing how to measure a directory listing:

export MYARM_SHELL_SESSION=`armsession`

# initialize arm shell environment and register our application name
arminit ListDirApp instance=$$ group=sample

# register our Dir transaction with lddef identifier
armtran lddef ListDir context=Dir,Opt

# start the Dir measurement with ld1 identifier
armstart ld1 lddef Dir=${dir} Opt=${opts}

ls ${opts} ${dir}

# now stop our measurement with ld1 identifier
if test $? -eq 0; then
    armstop ld1 GOOD
    armstop ld1 FAILED

See Also
armsession, arminit, armtran, armstart, armstop