
Contents / Enterprise Edition / User Guide / Instrumentation / Shell / arminit

arminit -- initializes the current ARM session and assigns the application name

The arminit command is used to initialize the ARM session with an application name and optional application instance or group attributes. Within an ARM session it can be invoked only once and needed to be called before any invocation to armtran, armstart and armstop.

Command line options


arminit <appName> [instance=value] [group=value]
specifies the application name for the current ARM session
specifies an optional instance value associated with the current ARM session application
specifies an optional group value which the current ARM session application belongs to.


arminit ListDirApp instance=$$ group=sample

A complete example is shown in the armend example.

See Also
armsession, armtran, armstart, armstop, armend