
Contents / Enterprise Edition / User Guide / Instrumentation / Shell / armsession

armsession -- creates an ARM session and returns a reference to it for the current shell

The armsession command is used to establish an ARM session within a shell environment. It spawns a new daemon process and returns are reference to its session to standard output channel. This session reference needs to be assigned to the MYARM_SHELL_SESSION environment variable which is used by all other ARM shell commands to connect to the armsession process.

The armsession daemon process checks every second if the shell process of the ARM session still exists and if not it terminates directly. This behaviour ensures that if a shell process dies the appropriate armsession daemon process will also terminate.

Command line options

Currently the armsession has no command line options.


export MYARM_SHELL_SESSION=`armsession`

A complete example is shown in the armend example.

See Also
arminit, armtran, armstart, armstop, armend