
Contents / Standard Edition / User Guide / Tools / myarmdelete

myarmdelete -- delete application and/or transaction data

The myarmdelete command line tool deletes application and/or transaction instances as well as registered ARM definitions.

Command line options


myarmdelete [options] [name][:part] [name2][:part2] ...
name:part, name2:part2
specifies the name(s) to be deleted. If a transaction entity is selected, names have to be specified in the form <appName>:<tranName>. For details about specifying application and/or transaction names read the section "Application and transaction names".

In addition to the listed options below, the myarmdelete command supports standard options described in appendix "Standard options" and the constraint options in appendix "Constraints options".

Entity selection options

With one of the following entity selection options, an entity is selected for deleting. If a name is omitted, all instances of the appropriate entity are deleted. Otherwise only the instances with the name(s) provided are deleted.

-a, --apps
selects application instances to be deleted.
-t, --trans
selects transaction instances to be deleted.
-u, --users
selects users to be deleted.
-s, --systems
selects system addresses to be deleted.
-r, --rts
selects real time statistics (RTS) to be deleted.

Other options

-v, --verbose
set verbose output mode, prints more diagnostic information
selects all instances of the selected entities to be deleted.
-d, --defs
deletes also the definition data of the selected entities.


The myarmdelete command can be used in many ways. If you want to delete all query transaction measurements of our CDDB example Server, use the following command:

myarmdelete -t "PyCDDB:CDDB-Query"

and the following command for the applications

myarmdelete -a PyCDDB

If you want to clean up your whole database use

myarmdelete --defs --all

deleting all (--all) instances as well as all definitions (--defs).

See Also
myarmoptions, myarmdefinition, myarmquery, myarmconfig